Social Science Quiz

29-05-2021 - 29-05-2021

Dear Students 
Greetings of the day!
The school has decided to organise the online quiz for  different subjects. 
The quiz will be conducted every saturday sharp at 2:00 p.m
To have a start ,the first quiz will be of Social Science. The topic is "UTTARAKHAND" 
The quiz is divided into two groups 6 to 8 and 9 &10 . The link will be sent in all the groups at 2 :00 p.m .
Students need to follow the following steps
1. Open the link .You can participate in this quiz only with your school E- mail Id 
 2. There will be a video of 6 mins  based on the topic , Watch it.
3. Than you have to attempt the quiz of 30 questions , for that scroll down ,after the video you have to select your class group respectively.
4.After selecting the class group fill the details and solve the quiz of 30 questions. 
5. In all you will get 45 mins , at 2:45 p.m , after it the response collection will be closed.
6. You will get an online certificate on your school  mail Id if you score 90% or more marks .
Though it is a quiz based on your observation skills and video contains the information related to the quiz questions but for more better results you can study about UTTARAKHAND