“If You are planning for a year, sow rice; if you are planning for a decade, plant trees; if you are planning for a lifetime, educate people”
School is the nucleus of learning and epicentre for development of any society or nation. Prof. Amartya Sen, the economist and Nobel laureate considers education as one of the most fundamental elements to build the nation, to create more equitable society, and to improve overall quality of life. School education in the twenty-first century needs to be revisited to meet the requirements of holistic approach to establish a dialogue between the past, the present and the future; to create equitable society; and to manifest the perfection already in man. Both education and learners’ abilities are ever developing and not static. Learning in an individual way, learning out of interest, learning social skills, developing integration skills in cooperative learning have become important in the modern innovative pedagogy. We aim to foster positive attitudes to learning and we are committed to a process of constant self evaluation in our determination to make our goals realities. We aspire to enable the students to be more responsive for enriching knowledge and skills in order to compete globally; to enable teachers to be creative in imparting instructions and relating to real life problems and prospective trends; to enable parents and community to move up the knowledge-chain. We value open discussion and welcome the insights our pupils and parents offer to set up a model school.